Minggu, 26 Februari 2017

Watch Dogs 2 - Unique Vehicle Locations (Secret Vehicle)

Sabtu, 25 Februari 2017

7 Unique Vehicles Watch Dogs 2 Locations

Watch Dogs 2 is an open world action-adventure video game and thus features dozens of Vehicle which will help the player to explore the Map of San Francisco. There are also Unique and Rare vehicles Marcus needs to find in order to unlock A Ride to Remember Achievement. This guide will show exact location for all seven vehicles and how to get them early.

Unique Vehicles and Rare Vehicle Location

There are 7 Unique Rare Vehicle you need to find to unlock the Trophy/Achievement. This Unique vehicle will be highlighted by a blue car icon on your Map and this will only appear when you are close enough. All 7 vehicles are different by stats, appearance, custom paint jobs. So without any further ado, let's begin with the hunt for the Rare Vehicles in Watch Dogs 2.

Ice Cube

  • Location: Lighthouse near the Golden Gate Bridge
watch-dogs-2-unique-car-ice-cube.jpg  watch-dogs-2-unique-car-ice-cube-1.jpg

Danger Mobile

  • Location: Island between San Francisco and Oakland.
watch-dogs-2-unique-car-danger-mobile.jpg  watch-dogs-2-unique-car-danger-mobile-1.jpg


  • Location: Port of Oakland and use your Quadcopter to scan the area.
watch-dogs-2-unique-car-wrecker.jpg  watch-dogs-2-unique-car-wrecker-1.jpg

Mountain King

  • Location: Near your safehouse in Oakland.
watch-dogs-2-unique-car-mountain-king.jpg  watch-dogs-2-unique-car-mountain-king-1.jpg

Flip Wagon

  • Location: North side of the park near the Painted Ladies.
watch-dogs-2-unique-car-flip-wagon.jpg  watch-dogs-2-unique-car-flip-wagon-1.jpg

Rainbow Missile

  • Location: San Mateo near Silicon Valley
watch-dogs-2-unique-car-rainbow-missile.jpg  watch-dogs-2-unique-car-rainbow-missile-1.jpg

The Dangerzone

  • Location: Underground garages in the Silicon Valley (requires RC Jumper)
watch-dogs-2-unique-car-dangerzone.jpg  watch-dogs-2-unique-car-dangerzone-1.jpg
These were all 7 Unique Vehicles you need to collect in the game and unlock them for Car on Demand. Make sure you check our Watch Dogs 2 Wiki to know more about the game walkthrough, collectible and hidden secret locations and much more.

Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

By my side stop motion video by Giano

Hello gan/sist ketemu lagi bareng gw..
Gw mau berbagi nih video buatan ane.. :D
langsung aj yah:

jgn lupa di like yah gan.. di utubnya :D
tq tq

Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

Sedikit tips agar tidak malu

Hello kawan kawan... Disini bang oji Kembali lagi bersama JSB   .. gg tau JSB yahhh?? ndesoo.. hehe.. *peace.Dah lama gw gg nulis di blog ini lagi .  Topik (tepatnya yg akan gw omongin) pada malam hari yaitu tentang: Mempermalukan dan Dipermalukan..
Pernah gg sih elo di permalukan di depan umum?? ato mempermalukan temen lo di depan umum?? Sorry buat org org yang sifatnya kek gini (yang ane sebutin) dimohon untuk mengambil tempat di depan... (emangnya ini mau terima penghargaan..) nexttt---> Sebagai orang yang sering dipermalukan , ane skarang gg malu lagi klo di gituin ama temen gw. Tapi maksud disini dah gg malu lagi, bukan gg tau malu -_-"".. Gw punya sedikit tips untuk memperkecil kemaluan kta.. (maksud gw memperkecil rasa malu) ..
Tipsnya yaitu cuek.. c - u - e - k ..
Kalo lo dah sering cuekin si tukang ejek itu, otomatis lama lama dia jadi bosan dan berhenti :D
Kecuali sih klo lu jatuh ato kepeleset,,,
T_T.. gw rasa gg bisa pake nih tips deh.. :P

Sekian dlu tips kecil dari gw,, tq

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